The Companion: Between Beauty and Complexity

The Companion is a game that takes us on a cinematic journey through a world magic and full of mysteries. Let's explore the narrative, gameplay and the highs and lows that this unique creation offers.

Cinematic Adventure and Spiritual Connection:

The Companion features a narrative immersive, where you take on the role of a Spiritual Animal on a mission full of reasons and destinations. Explore majestic places, each revealing a part of the moving story of a family facing challenges. A journey rich in mystery, intrigue and discovery awaits.

Spiritual imagery in The Companion

Soundtrack and Visual Atmosphere:

Following your journey, soundtrack engaging and emotional will guide your steps. Making the listening experience a vital part of the game. The stunning visuals, combined with vivid color patterns and music, create a magical environment that captivates your senses.

The Companion Gameplay:

The game offers unique gameplay, mixing walking simulator elements with non-linear narrative. While some critics find the gameplay repetitive, I'm honestly with them, others praise the contemplative approach and the need to think to put the game together. puzzle of history. Be prepared to explore, collect Essences, and activate Artifacts to build your connection to the Corporeal World.

City in The Companion

Positive and negative points:


  • Visually stunning, with exuberant color combinations.
  • Immersive soundtrack that complements the experience.
  • Exploration of places majestic.
  • Emotional narrative about love and family.


  • Repetitive gameplay.
  • Narrative told in a non-linear way, which can cause confusion.
  • Bugs and glitches that affect the experience.
Your character, running through the pasture in The Companion

Final Verdict: Is The Companion a Work of Art or Monotonous Challenge?

The Companion is a polarizing experience, where visual beauty competes with the complexity of narrative and gameplay. For those who enjoy games that challenge convention by offering a more contemplative experience, it can be a rewarding journey. However, for those looking for more traditional gameplay and a linear narrative, the challenges and confusion can be an obstacle. If you value stunning visuals, an emotional soundtrack and are willing to immerse yourself in a narrative Not conventional, The Companion could be the journey you're looking for.


The Companion is available for PC (Windows) e Nintendo Switch, with a base price of around 20 reais (10 dollars). At the time of this post, the game has 72% positive reviews on Steam

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Lucas Paranhos

Hi, my name is Lucas Paranhos, I'm a programmer and gaming enthusiast, I have this blog as a hobby and I love trying out new games and discovering lost gems among Indies that no big company is talking about.