Baba Is You

Baba Is You is a Puzzle game, but not just any normal jigsaw puzzle like Puzzle Together, it's that kind of puzzle that will really break your head.

The basic

Unlike normal puzzles in Baba Is You you are dealing with the rules of the world

Stage 0-0, Baba Is You
Phase 0-0

starting simple, the game presents you with some mechanics, Baba is that little lamb, as the phrase says he is you, you will be able to control him, but it is not always like this, you can push the texts and alternate the sentences, forming for example Rock Is You, in this case you will not control one stone, but all of them at the same time.

This is the basis of the game, as you advance the challenges become more complex, more objects appear and more important keywords for the resolutions of the stages are presented, so in phase 0-1 we can already see the importance of the texts, because when we break the phrase Wall Is Stop you can cross the walls and proceed to the flag, where you will have to form the Flag Is Win

Stage 0-1, Baba Is You
Phase 0-1

Now it's a further phase to get a sense of how things are going to escalate, here we have that the water is hot, and you are love, which also happens to melt, so when you touch the water you die, so you will have to find your way by changing the sentences to win, such as turning the box to go over the water.

Phase 3-3 Baba Is You
Phase 3-3

The game also has a workshop on Steam, for when you can beat the normal game, which is not an easy job (I've played 26 hours and I'm not done yet) that is, it takes a little work.

Baba Is You price

being available for Android, IOS, PC (Windows, Mac and Linux) and Nintendo Switch, costing BRL 28,99 on Steam, which in my opinion is definitely worth the price.

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Lucas Paranhos

Hi, my name is Lucas Paranhos, I'm a programmer and gaming enthusiast, I have this blog as a hobby and I love trying out new games and discovering lost gems among Indies that no big company is talking about.